Postdoc advert from CRASSH colleague

ARTEFACT is a 5-year project (2017-2022) led by Dr. Inanna Hamati-Ataya and funded by the European Research Council under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

Approaching the global history of human political organisation as an artefact of our cultural evolution, the project aims to develop an anthropological understanding and theorisation of ‘the global’ grounded in the deep history of humankind’s epistemic development. ARTEFACT interrogates the ways in which the emergence, development, and diffusion of human knowledge systems have shaped the constitution, functioning, and path-dependent transformation of global political structures and world systems. It does so specifically by taking as a case-study the rise, diffusion, and impact of four major successive global agricultural revolutions of the Neolithic/ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary eras, and their associated global-political configurations.

ARTEFACT also aims to develop ‘Global Epistemics’ as a trans-disciplinary field of theoretical and empirical inquiry concerned with the systematic study of processes of socio-epistemic co-evolution, and of the global formation, diffusion, exchange, and use of human knowledges across their various cultural configurations and material or discursive embodiments. The newly established Centre for Global Knowledge Studies (gloknos), which will be officially launched at CRASSH in Autumn 2018, will foster cross-disciplinary and cross-sectorial collaborations in this field, through a range of research, training, and outreach activities.

(For more information on the project, please see: